St. Peter & St. Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church
220 Mansfield Blvd (mailing: PO Box 835), Carnegie, PA 15106
Divine Liturgy Sunday 9:30 AM * Vespers Saturday 6:00 PM
Today's Scripture Readings
All Scripture Readings
Today's Saints
Venerable Auxentius of Bithynia
Venerable Auxentius of Bithynia

Saint Auxentius, by origin a Syrian, served at the court of the emperor Theodosius the Younger (418-450). He was known as a virtuous, learned and wise man, and he was, moreover, a friend of many of the pious men of his era. Distressed by worldly vanity, Saint Auxentius was ordained to the holy…

Read the Life
Troparion & Kontakion
Repose of Saint Cyril, Equal of the Apostles and Teacher of the Slavs
Repose of Saint Cyril, Equal of the Apostles and Teacher of the Slavs

Saint Cyril Equal of the Apostles, Teacher of the Slavs (Constantine in the schema), and his older brother Methodius (April 6), were Slavs, born in Macedonia in the city of Thessalonica. Saint Cyril received the finest of educations, and from the age of fourteen he was raised with the son of the…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Venerable Isaac the Recluse of the Kiev Near Caves
Venerable Isaac the Recluse of the Kiev Near Caves

Saint Isaac was the first person in northern lands to live as a fool for Christ. His name in the world was Chern. Before becoming a monk, he was a rich merchant in the city of Toropets in the Pskov lands. Having distributed all his substance to the poor, he went to Kiev and received the monastic…

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Troparion & Kontakion
12 Greeks who built the Dormition Cathedral in the Kiev Caves, Far Caves, Lavra
12 Greeks who built the Dormition Cathedral in the Kiev Caves, Far Caves, Lavra

The Kiev Caves Icon of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos (May 3) is one of the most ancient icons in the Russian Orthodox Church. The Mother of God entrusted it to four Byzantine architects, who in 1073 brought the icon to Saints Anthony and Theodosius of the Caves. The architects arrived at…

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Translation of the Relics of Martyrs Michael and his councilor, Theodore, of Chernígov
Translation of the Relics of Martyrs Michael and his councilor, Theodore, of Chernígov

The Right-believing Prince Michael of Chernigov and his Boyar Theodore were put to death by Batu of the Golden Horde on September 20, 1244. At first, some devout Russian Christians secretly took their relics. Later, the relics of the holy wonderworkers were transferred to the city of Vladimir, then…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Venerable Maron the Hermit of Syria
Venerable Maron the Hermit of Syria

Saint Maron was born in the fourth century near the city of Cyrrhus in Syria. He spent almost all his time beneath the open sky in prayer, vigil, ascetical works and strict fasting. He obtained from God the gift of healing the sick and casting out demons. He counselled those who turned to him for…

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Troparion & Kontakion
Saint Abraham, Bishop of Charres, Mesopotamia
Saint Abraham, Bishop of Charres, Mesopotamia

Saint Abraham, Bishop of Charres, lived during the mid-fourth and early fifth centuries, and was born in the city of Cyrrhus. In his youth he entered a monastery. Later he became a hermit in Lebanon, a place where many pagans lived. Saint Abraham suffered much vexation from the pagans, who wanted…

Read the Life
Troparion & Kontakion
Saint Hilarion the New of Georgia
Saint Hilarion the New of Georgia

Holy Hiero-schema monk Hilarion the Georgian (Ise Qanchaveli in the world) was born in 1776 in the village of Losiantkhevi, in the Shorapani district of Kutaisi. His parents, Khakhuli and Mariam Qanchaveli, were pious and God-fearing nobles. According to God’s will, Ise’s uncle, the…

Read the Life
Troparion & Kontakion
The Prologue from Ohrid: February 1


Tryphon was born of poor parents in the village of Lampsacus in Phrygia. In his childhood he tended geese. Also from his childhood he was able to cure illnesses that afflicted people and livestock and was able to expel evil spirits. The Roman Empire at that time was ruled by Emperor Gordian whose daughter Gordiana went insane and this caused her father great sorrow. All the physicians were unable to help Gordiana. The evil spirit spoke through Gordiana and said that no one can cast him out except Tryphon. After many who were named Tryphon in the empire were summoned, by Divine Providence, young Tryphon was also summoned. He was brought to Rome and he healed the emperor's daughter. The emperor lavished upon him many gifts all of which Tryphon, upon his return, distributed to the poor. In his village this holy youngster continued to tend geese and to pray to God. When Decius, the Christ-persecutor, was crowned emperor, Saint Tryphon was tortured and cruelly tormented for Christ. He endured all tortures with great joy saying: "Oh! If only I could be made worthy to die by fire and pain for the Name of the Lord and God, Jesus Christ!" All sufferings did him no harm and finally the tormentors sentenced him to be beheaded. Before his death Tryphon prayed to God and gave up his soul to his Creator in the year 250 A.D.


As Christians, they were all cast into prison during the reign of Emperor Septimus Severus. Saint Perpetua, who was of noble birth, encouraged all the other prisoners not to be afraid to suffer for Christ. In a dream, Perpetua saw a ladder imbedded with sharp knives, swords, spears, fishhooks, nails and other death-bearing instruments extending from heaven to earth. At the bottom of the ladder there lay a loathsome serpent. She saw how Satyrus ran up to the top of the ladder first, unharmed, and from the top cried out to Perpetua: "Perpetua, I am waiting for you; come, but be careful of the serpent!" Encouraged by this, Perpetua stood on the head of the serpent as on the first rung of the ladder and, step by step, quickly raced to the top. When she reached the top, Perpetua entered into heaven and saw the most beautiful mansions of heaven and was very ecstatic. When she related her dream, all the prisoners interpreted that imminent death soon faced them, the first of them being Satyrus, which shortly came true. Satyrus was slain first, then Perpetua and all others one by one. As lambs slain for Christ the Lamb of God, they received from Christ, the eternal reward in the kingdom of Light. They all suffered for Christ between the years 202-203 A.D.


At age seven Peter left the home of his parents for the sake of Christ and retreated into the wilderness. Here, by fasting and prayer, Peter attained such a state of perfection that he worked many miracles by the Spirit of God. In his ninety-ninth year, he took up habitation in the eternal Kingdom of Christ about the year 429 A.D.



A golden-branched tree grew

With three golden branches,

On it, there are white birds,

White; as white as snow.

And the birds fell

Down deep,

The glowing golden tree remained,

The tall tree.

In the depths, death and darkness,

Dark and becoming darker,

Malice and hunger; sorrow and grief,

Insanity, delirium.

The birds in the blackness of pitch all were immersed;

Never again able

To soar to the heights.

The golden tree took pity on the unfortunate birds,

And a secret conversation began among the branches.

Then one branch bent over to the terrible abyss,

And raised the nest of the birds to the top of the mountain.

Thus, Christ the golden-branch bent toward the earth

And raised fallen man to the glory of the Trinity.

And now, the golden tree grows with three golden branches,

On it are white birds; white, white as snow.


The Prayer of Saint Tryphon before his death: "O Lord, God of gods and King of kings, the most holy of all holies, I thank You that You made me worthy to complete my mortification without faltering. And now, I pray to You that the hand of the invisible demon does not touch me; that the demon not drag me into the abyss of destruction. Rather, let Your holy angels lead me into Your beautiful dwelling place and make me an heir of Your desired kingdom. Receive my soul and harken to the prayer of all those who would offer sacrifices to You in my remembrance. Gaze upon them from Your holy dwelling place and grant them abundant and incorruptible gifts. For You are the only good and merciful Gift-giver unto the ages of ages. Amen." Since Tryphon suffered in Nicaea and since many miracles occurred over his lifeless body, the citizens of Nicaea wanted to bury Tryphon in their cemetery. But, the saint appeared in a vision and expressed his desire that he be translated to his village of Lampsacus where he once tended geese and to be buried there.


To contemplate the Lord Jesus as the fresh and healthy air of the soul:

1. As the fresh and healthy air by which the soul breathes and is saved from corruption;

2. As the fresh and healthy air which the prophets, apostles and saints inhaled and were healthy in soul;

3. As the fresh and healthy air of my soul which drives out the stench of sin in me and makes me fresh and healthy in soul.


About the Word of God which purifies as a fire

" You are already clean through the word which I have spoken to you" (St. John 15:3).

By His word the Lord created the world; by His word He renewed the world; by His word He forgave sins; by His word He healed diseases; by His word He drove out evil spirits; by His word He calmed the storms and the winds. By His holy word He cleanses men, even now, that they, cleansed, may bring forth-abundant fruit. As are the vines, when they are pruned and cleansed, the word of the Lord is powerful for it comes forth from the All-powerful. "By the word of the Lord, the heavens were made" (Psalm 33:6). The word of the Lord is as bright as the sun but, when necessary, it is as fiery as the sun and then burns out everything that goes against the Lord. The word of the Lord is as sweet as honey; but, when necessary, it is as bitter as medicine. The word of the Lord is as welcome as a friend who knocks at the door when he is most needed; but, when necessary, the word of the Lord is as a judge who finds us in sin and who judges us without allowing us any excuse. The word of the Lord is true, just, wise and merciful which is why it is so All-powerful. No one and nothing, either in heaven or on earth, is able to go against it. The human word is also powerful when it is true, just, wise and merciful. But just as illness is able to exhaust and so weaken a giant that he becomes more powerless than a child; so falsehoods, injustice, insanity and lack of mercy so weakens the word of a human that it becomes nothing; a chattering fox against the moon. He who spares words forges them of pure silver. And whoever unmercifully squanders them must mix earth with silver. Your word, O Lord, is life and truth. Cleanse us by Your All-powerful word as You cleansed Your apostles to bear much fruit and to be made worthy of Your kingdom.

To You be glory and thanks always. Amen.

Today's Commemorations
Holy Father Auxentius of the Mountain, Cyril, Equal-to-the-Apostles & Teacher of the Slavs, Nicholas the New Martyr of Corinth, Abraham, Bishop of Carrhes in Mesopotamia
Today's Scripture Readings
Brethren, I am writing you no new commandment, but an old commandment which you had from the beginning; the old commandment is the word which you have heard. Yet I am writing you a new commandment, which is true in him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining. He who says he is in the light and hates his brother is in the darkness still. He who loves his brother abides in the light, and in it there is no cause for stumbling. But he who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes. I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for his sake. I am writing to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, children, because you know the Father. I write to you, fathers, because you know him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one. Do not love the world or the things in the world. If any one loves the world, love for the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides for ever.
MARK 14:3-9
At that time, while Jesus was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he sat at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head. But there were some who said to themselves indignantly, "Why was the ointment thus wasted? For this ointment might have been sold for more than three hundred denarii, and given to the poor." And they reproached her. But Jesus said, "Let her alone; why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me. For you always have the poor with you, and whenever you will, you can do good to them; but you will not always have me. She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burying. And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her."
Today's Thought

Be dead in life, and you will not live in death. Let your soul die strenuously, and not live in weakness. Not only those who suffer death for the sake of faith in Christ are martyrs; but also those who die because of their observance of His commandments. - St. Isaac the Syrian

Nativity Eve/Nativity Jan 6/7

Nativity Eve/Nativity Day
Jan 6/7


Circumcision of Our Lord/St. Basil/New Year Day
Jan 14th


Theophany Eve/Theophany (Blessing of Water)
Jan 18/19th


Presentation of Our Lord into the Temple
Feb 15th


Annunciation of Virgin Mary
April 7th


Nativity of St. John Baptist
July 7th


St. Peter & St. Paul
July 12th


St. Volodymr / Baptism of Ukraine
July 28th


Prophet Elijah
August 2nd


August 19th


Dormition of the Theotokos
August 28th


Beheading St. John Baptist
Sept 11th


Nativity Theotokos
Sept 21st


Holy Exhalation Cross
Sept 27th


Oct 14th


Archangel Michael
Nov 21st


St. John C
Nov 26th


Presentation of Theotokos into Temple
Dec 4th


St. Andrew
Dec 13th


St. Nicholas Wonderworker
Dec 19th

Grand Compline Nativity Eve 2021
Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday April 25 2021


Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy Services are on April 25, 2021 and will begin at 9:30 AM!
Palms and pussy willows will be blessed at 9:30 so that all in attendance can get their palms and pussy willows while the Liturgy is beginning and will be able to hold them throughout the Liturgy. Please arrive on time to get your palms and pussy willows so that you can participate in the service this way.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns about attending the services to frjohn.charest@aol.com 847-910-7120. Thank you and see you Sunday. The service will be livestreamed and viewable from our Facebook page or website too.


St. Peter & St. Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church

P. O. Box 835

(Mailing Address)


220 Mansfield Blvd.

Carnegie, PA  15106

Rectory:  412-279-2111

Parish Hall:  412-276-9718

Latest News
In Memory Fr. Thomas Hopko
Upcoming Events
In Memory Fr. Thomas Hopko March 22, 2025 ...
2025 Ukrainian Easter Egg (Pysanky) Workshops
Upcoming Events
2025 Ukrainian Easter Egg (Pysanky) Workshops Main Workshop April 5, 2025 Others around the area! ...
Camping Ministry Sunday
Upcoming Events
Camping Ministry Sunday February 16, 2025 ...
  • Mon

    6 PM Kyiv Dance
    7 PM Scrip ture Class
  • Tue

    7 PM Ukraine Moleben at Sts Peter/Paul
  • Thu

    10 AM Parishioner Sr. Coffee Hour 
    7 PM Mothers Group
  • Fri

    6 PM Great Vespers for Meeting of Our Lord
  • Sat

    9:30 Divine Liturgy for Meeting of Our Lord  
    6:00PM Vespers
  • Sun

    Prodigal Son
    9:30 AM Divine Liturgy & Coffee Hour > Camping Ministry Sunday
Service Schedule
9:30am - Divine Liturgy

Followed by Coffee Hour at the Parish Hall

7:00pm - Moleben for Peace in Ukraine

Services alternate between Sts. Peter & Paul UOC & Holy Trinity Parish

10:00am - Parishioner Senior Coffee Hour
6:00pm - Vespers

Please click on the CALENDAR BUTTON not the Calendar Link for the correct calendar information.  Thank you!


If you are interested in learning about the Orthodox Faith, please contact Fr. John Charest to find out more about the classes offered.

Classes are held via online Zoom sessions on Monday evenings.    To join the classes, please contact Fr. John Charest.

Parish News Feed
In Memory Fr. Thomas Hopko
12 Feb 2025 at 1:39pm

In Memory Fr. Thomas Hopko

March 22, 2025


2025 Ukrainian Easter Egg (Pysanky) Workshops
11 Feb 2025 at 2:22pm

2025 Ukrainian Easter Egg (Pysanky) Workshops

Main Workshop April 5, 2025

Others around the area!


Camping Ministry Sunday
30 Jan 2025 at 4:28pm

Camping Ministry Sunday

February 16, 2025


IOCC Pittsburgh 2025 Events
30 Jan 2025 at 3:19pm

IOCC Pittsburgh 2025 Events

Happy Hour to benefit IOCC

February 27, 2025


Quotes from UOC of USA
Orthodoxy in America App Search
Orthodoxy in America
Pray for Peace in Ukraine
Quick Calendar View

For complete calendar information click HERE

News from UOC of USA
Metropolitan Antony Joins Reception Honoring Metropolitan Epiphaniy of Kyiv a...
16 hours ago

Митрополит Антоній взяв участь в прийомі з нагоди вшанування Митрополита Київського і всієї України Епіфанія в Нью-Йорку


Archbishop Daniel Visits the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and Me...
13 Feb 2025 at 10:33am

Архієпископ Даниїл відвідав Константинопольський Патріархат та зустрівся з Вселенським Патріархом Варфоломієм 


A Mission of Love and Mercy: The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA’s Human...
12 Feb 2025 at 2:16am

Місія любові та милосердя: гуманітарне служіння Української Православної Церкви США на сході України


February 16, 2025 - UOC of the USA Camping Ministry Sunday
11 Feb 2025 at 10:40am

Неділя Табірного Служіння УПЦ США - 16 лютого 2025 року


Українська Православна Церква США з радістю вітає Блаженнішого Митрополита Еп...
10 Feb 2025 at 2:37pm

Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Honored to Welcome His Beatitude Metropolitan Epifaniy of Kyiv and All Ukraine


Ongoing Parish Efforts

The parish supports various causes and efforts through-out the community during the year.  Below are just a few of our current on-going efforts.


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Ancient Faith Radio

To access the church
To access the church
To access the church
To access the lower level of parish hall
To access the lower level of parish hall
To access the lower level of parish hall


Handicap accessible options to the church and to the lower level of parish hall.

Mailing Address
St. Peter & St. Paul
PO Box 835
Carnegie, PA 15106
220 Mansfield Boulevard
Carnegie, PA 15106
Email, Phone, and Fax
(412) 279-2111 (Rectory) (Phone)
(412) 276-9718 (Parish Hall - not a fax line)) (Fax)